Are you experiencing an issue, have a question, or would like to give us feedback on the Programme Centre? Please fill in the form below and we will get in touch with you shortly!
Why get certified?
Ensure market access Continue being a supplier of current and future ASC certified farms
Drive change Across the industry and protect against negative impacts of sourcing feed.
Demonstrate you care Commitment to positive environmental and social change in seafood farming.
Meet demand For responsible feed and responsibly farmed fish.
Variance Requests and Questions for Interpretation
Variance Requests (VRs) and Questions for Interpretation (QAs) submitted in relation to the ASC Feed Certification Programme are linked within the corresponding document and indicator/section in this Programme Centre. These are currently limited to closed QAs (answered by ASC) and closed VRs (both approved and not approved by ASC), as well as those which are not site or audit specific.
To view all VRs and QAs submitted in relation to the ASC Feed Certification Programme, including those currently under review, visit our Variance request and Interpretation platform.
Take part in our focused consultation for ASC Feed Standard v1.1
This proposed small revision is based around updating three indicators in line with upcoming legislation requirements and emerging needs on Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reporting throughout the seafood supply chain.
Reminder: Farms have until 31st October 2025 to transition to ASC compliant feed to continue meeting the ASC Farm Standards.